NLCP Board Meeting Speaker Sign-Up January 21, 2025
January Board Meeting
Tue, January 21, 2025
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM CST
North Lawndale College Prep
1615 S Christiana Ave
Chicago , Illinois 60623
United States
Speaker Remarks: Speakers will be called according to the order in which they registered. When called by the Board Secretary, a speaker shall proceed promptly to the podium, where s/he will have three minutes to address the Board. Speakers are not permitted to cede their time to another person. The Board Secretary will track time on a timer visible to the speaker. When the three minutes are up, speakers must end their presentation to allow the next speaker to begin. Posters and Placards: Hand-held posters and placards are not allowed outside of the public participation portion of the agenda. Written Testimony: Any person who is unable, for any reason, to speak at a Board meeting may submit written testimony to the Board Secretary by the close of the meeting for the consideration of the Board members. Media: A specific area of the meeting space will be designated for members of the media who wish to cover the Board meeting. Behavior: All members of the public are expected to exhibit courteous, respectful, and civil behavior and refrain from engaging in any threatening, harassing, disruptive, or other behavior that impedes the orderly and productive conduct of the meeting. Further, members of the public shall refrain from the use of vulgar or obscene language. Violators of this expectation may be asked to leave because of disruptive behavior.
TICKETS Selected during registration